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투자잠언) “If you're not willing to react with equanimity to a market price decline of 50% two or three times a century you're not fit to be a common shareholder and you deserve the mediocre result you're going to get compared to the people who do.. #78. MARKET DECLINE “If you're not willing to react with equanimity to a market price decline of 50% two or three times a century you're not fit to be a common shareholder and you deserve the mediocre result you're going to get compared to the people who do have the temperament, who can be more philosophical about these market fluctuations.” - (with commentary by DAVID CLARK) 중에서 손절은 생명. 성공적인 트레.. 2019. 9. 16.
투자잠언) “A great business at a fair price is superior to a fair business at a great price.” - <THE TAO OF CHARLIE MUNGER> (with commentary by DAVID CLARK) 중에서 #73. BIG-MONEY EQUATION “A great business at a fair price is superior to a fair business at a great price.” - (with commentary by DAVID CLARK) 중에서 직관이나 본능에 어긋나는 행위랄까. 보통은 great business를 fair price에 감히 매수하질 못하고, 차라리 fair business를 great price에 매수하려고 하는데 그러다보니 늘 계좌에 great business가 없는 게 아닐까. 심지어 great price라 생각하고 샀던 fair business는 내가 매수했을 때보다 더 great price를 내주기도 하다보니... PER가 낮다거나 하는 식으로 가격이 싸다고 매.. 2019. 9. 16.
투자잠언) “We just keep our heads down and handle the headwinds and tailwinds as best we can, and take the result after a period of years.” - <THE TAO OF CHARLIE MUNGER> (with commentary by DAVID CLARK) 중에서 #70. BUY AND HOLD “We just keep our heads down and handle the headwinds and tailwinds as best we can, and take the result after a period of years.” - (with commentary by DAVID CLARK) 중에서 찰리의 말과 본문을 그대로 옮기고 해석을 달아보자면 “We just keep our heads down and handle the headwinds and tailwinds as best we can, and take the result after a period of years.” -> 이건 그냥 다 밑줄. 역풍이건 후풍이건 그저 고개를 숙이고, 결과를 받아 들이는 건 몇년.. 2019. 9. 16.
투자잠언) “It is in the nature of stock markets that they go down. So people suffer then. Conservative investing and steady saving without expecting miracles is the way to go. Some people in this room can figure out how to average twice the rate o.. #46. BEATING THE AVERAGE “It is in the nature of stock markets that they go down. So people suffer then. Conservative investing and steady saving without expecting miracles is the way to go. Some people in this room can figure out how to average twice the rate of return. I can't teach everyone elso to do it. It is pretty difficult.” - (with commentary by DAVID CLARK) 중에서 본문의 내용과 상관없이 몇 문장이 마음에 들.. 2019. 9. 16.