[워렌 버핏] 애플 장기투자를 농장에 비유
하워드 막스, 워렌 버핏, 레이 달리오의 영상을 번역해 올려주는 n kim님 채널에 어제 올라온 영상
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[워렌 버핏] 애플 장기투자를 농장에 비유_2019년 3월
everyone always wants to talk about apple right. it's kind of the stock it company you have a forty five billion dollar stake more or less.
how closely do you follow the company? you know, people are concerned they haven't really introduced any new products.
well if you have to closely follow a company you shouldn't own it.
no, I made it.
I mean, if you buy a business, if you buy a farm, you know, you go up and look, you know every couple weeks to see how far the corn is up and you know you worry too much about whether somebody says this is gonna be a year of low prices because it's exports are being affected or anything like that.
you know, you buy a farm and you hold it for, I've got one farm that I bought in the 1980s and my son runs it but I've been there once. you know I mean it, it, it doesn't grow faster if I go and stare at it. you know, I can't cheer for it you know "more effort more effort" or something like that. and I know there's gonna be some years when prices are going to be good and some when the prices aren't gonna be good. I know those years when yields will be better than others but about the form and if it just doesn't I don't care about economic predictions on or anything of the sort I do care that over you over the years.
it's well tended to and in terms of rotating crops and I hope yields get better which they generally have in fact that farm a hundred years ago what about wood produced 30 bushels maybe 35 bushels of corn per acre and now on a good year. you know it'd be 200 I mean we've really made progress in this country that's one reason commodity prices have go back a couple hundred years. they've moved so little is because we've just gotten better and better at whether it's cotton or whether it's corn or soybeans are all kinds of things and you and I have benefited from that.
and so Apple is kind of like a farm.
well, it's a long-term investment and if you own the best auto dealership in town the best brand and had something good running it wouldn't drop by every day and say, you know, how many people have come in today or you know I think interest rates are going up a little maybe that'll slow down our sales or they know you buy it knowing there's 365 days a year you're gonna own it for twenty years so that's seventy three hundred days and you know they're gonna the things are gonna be different from day to day and your dear you shouldn't buy it up the day-to-day stuff is important.